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#9。Unix vs Linux。差之毫釐。繆以千里。

***  Which is good Unix or Linux? Linux is a free, open-source operating system. In other words, its source code can be viewed and modified by any user. Linux has a large and active community of developers and users who contribute to its development and provide support.  While Unix also has a community, it is generally smaller and more focused on enterprise-level users. It is an open-source operating system which is freely accessible to everyone.  Unix  requires a license for use.  This type of distribution method is also known as proprietary or closed source. *** Is Ubuntu a Unix or Linux? Ubuntu is a Linux distro based on Debian .  It is suitable for cloud computing, servers, desktops, and internet of things ( IoT ) devices.  The main difference between Linux and Ubuntu is that the former is an operating system family based on Unix, while Ubuntu is a Linux distribution.  *** Is PuTTY Linux or Unix? PuTTY :: High Performance Computing PuTTY is a free and open-source terminal emulato

#7。GraphQL vs REST。好好休息。

***  Et Tu Te Lasseras 。 GraphQL and REST are two different approaches to building APIs.  GraphQL is a specification, query language, and set of tools that operates over a single endpoint using HTTP. REST is an acronym for REpresentational State Transfer, and is based on the idea that the server doesn't keep any transient state between requests. GraphQL is a query language, architecture style, and set of tools to create and manipulate APIs. REST is good for simple data sources where resources are well defined.  GraphQL is good for large, complex, and interrelated data sources.  REST has multiple endpoints in the form of URLs to define resources. *** 參考。 [1]  graphql 。 redhat 。 。 [2] Tu t’en iras。La Zarra。 。


八肢瑜珈之 第二戒 。 觀察精進全由心造。 勿讓旁人拿捏曲直。 Pris dans la spirale 。 T'as sorti les voiles。 Prêt pour la bataille。 ThankYouMyFriends 。 口罩超可愛的。 *** References。 [1] 2024。Harish R。Comparing GPU vs TPU vs LPU。 。 [2] 2024。QNAP。CPU, GPU, NPU, TPU。 英文 。 繁中一文看懂-cpu-gpu-npu-tpu-是什麼 。 [3]  Les bruits de la ville。Voyou ft. Yelle。 。 ***  GPU。 Graphics Processing Unit。 Widely used for  gaming,  graphic rendering, and  parallel processing tasks. With its high parallel computing power, Popular for  deep learning,  machine learning, and  data analytics. Commonly found in  gaming PCs,  workstations, and  servers. ***  TPU。 Tensor Processing Unit。  Developed by Google for accelerating machine learning tasks, particularly  neural network inference. AI workloads dedicated. Known for  its high throug


*** 接地氣 。 目的。Automate Cloudflare with Terraform。 備料。 一台機器 Azure VM。Runs Simple HTTP test server。 一個通道 Cloudflare Tunnel。Makes Server Available over the Internet。 一項政策 Cloudflare Access Policy。Defines Who Connect to the server。 實作。Use Terraform to Deploy Cloudflare DNS from an Azure VM。 Install Terraform Create a Cloudflare API token Create a configuration directory Create Terraform configuration files Define input variables and assign values to them Configure Terraform providers Configure Cloudflare resources Create a startup script Deploy Terraform Test the connection *** HTTP。503。Blue Jeans。 所有夜深人靜的獨自地悶聲委屈。 皆來自 503 源站 堅稱地矢口否認。 1997 EDWIN 503 EDGE 窄筒褲 。 液態氨揉雜後的經緯粗結紗經典款。 嗯。有時生活不全是開心的天空藍。 經過歲月洗鍊加之靜靜沈澱。更愛。 *** 參考。 [1] CF Networks w/ TF。 。 [2] Code Samples。 。 [3]  HTTP 503: service temp unavailable when origin overloaded。